PAY-U Insurance
We are offering affordable motor insurance, where you get to pay per minute, per hour, or per day, whether you are DRIVING or PARKED. This is affordable insurance just when you need it! -
Motor Insurance
This is the most commonly known class of insurance. Depending on the cover bought under this class of insurance, cover can be provided for accidental loss or damage to the insured vehicle and liability to third party. -
Machinery Breakdown Insurance
This insurance is designed to cover any damage to a plant or equipment while working or at rest, or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, repairing or overhauling. -
Marine Insurance
The insurance issued here is to provide indemnity for loss or damage to goods being conveyed by sea or air into or outside the country and this type of insurance is also issued on vessels and yachts to provide indemnity for any loss, damage or liability that may arise from their use. -
All Risk Insurance
This insurance has a very wide scope of cover and is specifically tailored to suit protection of portable and valuable items such as jewellery, cameras, mobile phones, Laptops etc.